Learn About Our Programs

Meditation in Motion
A mix of meditation, kick boxing, yoga and mindfulness allowing participants the opportunity to think, express and reflect while getting in a light work out. Click here for upcoming classes!
Family Fun Group
Educational program focused on bringing awareness of PTSD for the whole family while teaching ways to understand and verbalize feelings throughout the family. Many activities will focus on creating safe, fun spaces for families to socialize and learn together. Upcoming events can be found here.

Vet Camp
A campground with on-site counselors dedicated to veterans and their families to provide a short escape from everyday life while still providing opportunities to learn and heal together. Many activities will focus on team building and bonding. Click here to find out how to get involved.
Vet Vacation
After veterans have shown dedication to the program and their own mental health, we want to be able to offer them a chance to get away and explore the world with their families through small vacations accompanied by other healing veterans to create positive memories to last a life time. Treated on a case-by-case basis, please click here to reach out and find out more!